Friday, May 2, 2008

My girls...

I would venture to say that a little over a year ago... I did not have "close" friends. It was kind of sad actually. I remember on a couple of occasions my step mom said "you should have your girlfriends over and..." or "the next time you have your friends over..." I didn't tell her only one or two people came to mind. And out of those two, we only talked on occasion and rarely got together. I had become pretty isolated. My how things have changed...

Over the past year, and especially over the last few months, I have developed a network of friends... good friends... close friends. Friends I can share with, laugh with and grow with. They are an answer to prayer. Each one brings something different to my life. I cherish each one of them. I value their opinions, look to them for guidance, laugh with them and cry with them. Some are new, some I have known a long time. Each one is a godsend.

One is a lot like me which is very cool cause she gets me. One is like my sister from another mother.. and no one can make me laugh harder... One is my comfort zone, we can really be ourselves together, so relaxing... One is my role model, I hope to one day be like her and have her knowledge and faith... and one is my work in progress, she so does not see her worth and potential.. I am working and praying real hard for that one.

Aaron and I talked about it this morning and as I wondered out loud how all these wonderful women have become such an important part of my life all of the sudden, he said very simply... "you opened yourself up." Wow. He is right. I did not realize how closed off I had let myself become.

It's easy to let that happen you know... especially when you have kids. I have learned very recently that in order to be the best wife and mother I can be, I have to take care of myself. And I'm not talking about my health. I am talking about my spiritual health. These ladies help me do that. They aren't just friends... they are My Girls!

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