Friday, May 9, 2008

Freaked Out Friday...

This morning started out crazy. Had a deadline to meet for work. Got a frantic call from Austin about 8:15. There had been a pretty serious accident in front of the school. Barely able to talk, he said "mom, there was a bad wreck at school" I said ok... do you know who it was. He said...after a long pause... "Mom, it was Becky." You know that sick feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when something bad happens...That was me at that moment.

It took a long time for him to get it all out... but eventually I figured out that Becky was not in the car, but her son (Austin's best friend) and her little brother were. Her step-dad was driving them to school.

Long story short... the day was filled with worrying and praying and praying and worrying. I felt much better once I had been in contact with Becky. The injuries to the boys for the most part were not too terribly serious... Certainly not as bad as they could have been. Her step-dad on the other hand is still in the hospital.

Today has been a stressful day for Becky... but she is strong and her faith will carry her through. Today, she and the rest of us, were reminded that life can be forever changed in an instant. And we should never take that for granted.

Today, I am thankful once again. Thankful for Brandon, and for Jondavide and for John, and for Becky.

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