Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holiday World...

Well, today was the Beta trip to Holiday World. For those of you who don't know what happened after last weeks heartbreak, Ethan gave me the ok to go after some friends at school covinced him he would hardly see me. Not quite the way I would have like to have been invited, but I'll take what I can get these days.

It turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day. Not too hot, not too cold and so sunny and bright. The park was not at all crowded, so the kids got to ride to their hearts content with virtually no lines at all.

Austin was my date for the day. I decided, at Aaron's suggestion, to really spend some quality time with him while we were there. Being one of the "middles," as I call him and Jaden, he rarely gets me all to himself and vice versa. We had a great day... We laughed together, rode rides together, and at one point almost hurled together... Basically we just hung out. He is such a great kid and very cool to be around.

I kept my distance from Ethan. When I saw that he was eating a funnel cake for lunch, I fought the urge to go lecture him into getting some real food... When I saw a group of girls from another school asking him his name and then whispering and giggling about how cute they thought he was, I bit my tounge and did not tell them to stay away from my baby... When he whizzed by me and said he was riding the Legend for the seventh time, I did not caution him on the dangers of whiplash... So all in all, I give myself an A+ in self restraint for the day.

So now, at the end of it all, I am exhausted... All my precious babies are in bed sound asleep. For reasons to numerous to mention, this day meant the world to me.


Christy said...

I know the "real" secret as to why it meant the world to you... lol

Andrea said...

You think you are so funny! lol