Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Have I mentioned I love Facebook....

And to think... all that time I forbid my myself to check it out for fear it would somehow corrupt me or be full of horrible things and images...

Sooo not true... and I Love It!

I have lots of stories I could tell about people from the past that I have reconnected with. People I otherwise would have never seen or heard from again. I love being able to log on and see what Darrin Belcher is up to today, or what Eric Wade has to say about the economy... or to what remote location his job is taking him this week. It's such a crack-up that all us small town folk who grew up together can keep tabs on eachother with the click of a button.

I am always amazed at where some people from our tiny town have ended up. Most recently I have reconnected with Lori LaBaw.... there's a blast from the past for ya. She leads an amazing life, with an amazing family. Such a heart for God, that girl. Her husband is an Army Chaplain. She has great stories to tell. Three girls, then a boy... the opposite of us. And guess what... she has a BLOG... well, her husband has one, but doesn't have a lot of time, so I'm hoping she will fill in the gaps... Look for their link to the right.

Although I would not trade my small town life... I love to hear about the ones who made the break. Call it living vicariously I guess. And FYI... I am not a FB addict. Although I hear there is a 12 step program... :)

1 comment:

Misty McKibben-Melvin said...

Andrea...you are SOO funny!! I too was holding off on facebook...thinking of all the corrupt stuff I would find and how it would not be good for me.....AND THEN, I was amazed too!! It is so funny...and fun!!! I love it that we had the exact same experience...and yes, Eric Wade is still a hoot!!! Um, I also need to ask you something, more personal on my end! Email me if ya will! xoxoxo