Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prayers for Ethan...

Ethan hurt his foot back in December when he was kicking a rock out of the way on a dirtbike trail. It was a little swollen and sore, so we iced it and it seemed to be fine in a couple of days.

About six weeks later, towards the end of January, he was running in PE and hurt it again. Same thing... a little swollen and tender but we didn't think it was anything to worry about. After a couple of days he was back to normal.

Track started two weeks ago and his foot began to hurt more and more. Took him to the nurse practitioner and she put him on high doses of ibuprofen for inflammation and told us to come back if it didn't get any better.

We went back last friday. His foot was extremely swollen and beginning to look distorted. They took x-rays and said we would get results on Monday.

Monday we received a call that he was being referred to an orthopedic specialist and that we had an appt. that afternoon. We were not prepared for what we would find out.

Apparently when he kicked the rock, he had a displaced fracture of the large bone that runs down from his big toe into his foot. The continued use after the break has caused that big joint to break apart into pieces. The bone has to be rebroken and set and they will attempt to rebuild the joint with pins and plates and such. They tell me they cannot guarantee a good outcome and his running days are most likely over.

Surgery is tomorrow afternoon. We are all nervous and uneasy this evening. The Farhar's came out tonight and prayed over Ethan and that has given us comfort. Please pray for a good outcome from the surgery, and for peace and patience over the next eight weeks while he recovers.


Christy said...

We will be praying tomorrow. Love Ya and we love Ethan!!

Joni said...

We will be Praying.

Susan said...

I'm right there with you. I truly feel it will be a good outcome.

Susan Warren said...

We will be praying for Ethan and your family.

Anonymous said...

We have been praying!! I hope he's doing ok! Keep us updated!!!