Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Forgive AND Forget...

To forgive is defined as being able to "give up resentment of, or cease to feel resentment against..." To forget means "to lose the rememberance of..." Sounds simple enough,.... right? not necessarily.

I have struggled throughout my life to find forgiveness. Not only the ability to forgive others, but also the ability to forgive myself. Throughout my life, there have been times I have been betrayed, ridiculed, lied to, deceived, cheated, humiliated, and let down in ways both big and small. I have also at times been the betrayer, the one who ridicules, the liar, the deceiver, the cheater, the humiliator and have let others down in ways I can only imagine. I believe this is true for all of us. None of us are perfect. As my Christy always says..."there was only one perfect person who ever walked this earth"... and friends, I am not Him and neither are you. We all fail. And we ALL feel the hurt when others fail us... and that hurt can be absolutely brutal when it comes at the hands of someone we love.

As I have gotten older... and ahem... wiser...I have found the ability to forgive comes much, much easier. Learning to understand my own faults, makes it easier for me to understand the faults of others. Remember though, I am the "finding myself at 40" girl... for other people, the ability to truly and easily forgive may come much earlier in life.... for others later... and for some poor souls it never comes.

Forgetting.... well that is a whole other story. Being cursed with a mind like a steel trap and the tendency to over-analyze almost everything, I replay the bad events in my life over and over in my head like a broken record. I have self diagnosed my self with both post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic hurt disorder. The stress coming from things I myself have done... and the hurt coming from things that have been done to me. There have been times in my life the memories have been maddening. But... I have learned to recognize that when those thoughts and memories come, they come from the devil himself. He manipulates himself into your head and delights in your torture over the past. It makes his world go round. And I have learned that when he sticks his toe in the door and tries to weasel his way in... I CAN keep him out. It is as simple as picking up my bible or turning on the tv or calling a friend or losing myself in a simple task... anything at all to distract myself from his attempts to trip me up.

Jesus died on the cross for your sins and mine so we CAN be and ARE forgiven. When we are forgiven by the almighty our sin is gone from His mind. He is a forgiving AND forgeting God. He forgives completely, so there is no need to confess our past sins repeatedly. As believers, we can be confident that the sins we confess and renounce are forgiven and forgotten. That's pretty huge. If we love someone the way Christ loves us, we will be willing to forgive. We must recognize those who sin against us, forgive them, and love them in spite of their sin - Just as Christ did for us! In Matthew 6:14-15 the lord himself proclaims... (I am quoting our Lord here so pay attention)... "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." That's pretty straight forward.

If you are struggling to forgive yourself or others who have hurt you, get on your knees and pray for God's help in doing so. It may not be easy, but you can forgive, you must forgive... and when you let go and let God, you will find peace for the situation that only he can provide....

My girls and I have been praying John 14:27 over our anonymous commentor from yesterday. We will continue to do so. But I also leave you with this... Our Lord will never fail you or forsake you (Hebrews 5) He will never "overlook" you.

As a final thought... In John 14:27, our Lord tells YOU "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid."

Hope this helps

Matthew 19:21-22 "...Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times? NO! the Lord replies, Seventy times seven!"


susan said...

And she says she can't give a talk??? Woman, that was great! We do indeed all suffer from the same sort of issues...

Christy said...

My precious Andrea as I read this the tears started flowing. I know how hard this was for your to write. I also know that God is moving mightly with the Ya Ya's each & every one. I am proud of you for this post. You will be rewarded for it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you & your heart for God.


Andrea said...

Typing it and talking it are two different things my dear! :) This was one of those that didn't come from me. Gotta love those 4 a.m. wake up calls.... :) Love you both!

Susan Warren said...

That was wonderful! Wouldn't it be a great world if everyone lived this way?!

Denise Astrike said...

Andrea - your blog amazes me every time I read it. Your message is so very true - and I've always felt that it's best NOT to forget because there is a lesson that the great one intended for us and forgetting may make us miss the lesson. The "mental stop sign" has worked for me in keeping the devil at bay in my own head! Keep up the good work and spreading the good word of the Lord. Bless you now and always! Oh Wise one!

Lauren said...

Miss Andrea...

I think that your thoughts on forgiveness in this post are so good--so GOD!! I know God is using you mightily--even to people you may not know...wink.

Please keep writing down all that God is teaching you--we are ready to learn!

Anonymous said...

As you said writing it and saying it are two different things. The pain is still there and I continue to ask why did my friend, my dear friend, the one I trusted with all my heart choose to hurt me. I to replay the scene or should I say scenes because it happened more than once over and over and over. I also know that it is satan after my soul but that still doesn't erase the images from my mind or heart. Can a friendship like that ever be repaired? I hurt so bad! I am ashamed to admit but I do want this friend to feel pain and all those involved. I don't know if it's because I feel so foolish that it happened or because I couldn't even see it. I did pray for God to take my pain away hopefully he'll answer soon and I DO MEAN SOON!!!!!!

Lauren said...

Sometimes you have to make the choice and not base that choice on feelings. I promise you, even if you do not feel it in your heart, make the CHOICE to forgive. Say it out loud.

"Lord, I CHOOSE to forgive _______________ for _______________. I do not feel it in my heart, but I know with your help I can lay my pain and sorrow at your feet. I know that eventually if I keep walking in forgiveness, I can look at this person through the eyes of Jesus. I choose to release _________ from any pain or consequences I have had to face through their sin against me and I no longer hold him/her responsible for those things because hanging on to this only separates me and you, and I refuse to let this hurt stand in my way of your healing.
(here's the hardest part)
I choose to pray blessings over_______________ in all aspects of life. Please bless ____________'s family, friends, job, and anything else his/her life touches.

Then, when the enemy reminds you that this person hurt you, you just tell Satan that Jesus already took care of it and you don't want to discuss it anymore.

I pray that you will please email me so I can discuss this with you further. You don't have to be ashamed of your struggle, I have personally struggled with unforgiveness and have had to pray that type of prayer numerous times (FOR THE SAME PEOPLE! OVER AND OVER AGAIN! ACK!) But God always allowed me to have the feelings eventually AFTER I had made the choice to obey. Never before, but always after a little time had passed.

You are loved, and God knows your name! He knows your every thought! He sees tear that falls! He hears you when you call!

Andrea said...

Lauren... you always know just the right things to do and say. You have such a gift.

Anon... I have hurt people in the past. People I love deeply. I have begged for the Lord's forgiveness and he has forgiven me. I have begged those I have hurt for forgiveness and prayed that they would also forgive me. Eventually, and as hard as it has been, I have forgiven myself. Unforgiveness is a poison. It poisons you and your life and your ability to live it. It affects everything and it does not come from our Lord. It comes straight from the devil and his cunning mind games. Resist him and turn from him. Reread the posts and all the comments from those of us who love you. They all echo the same sentiments and truths. You can win this battle my friend. You are my friend....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wish I could put into words what I feel after reading this post. Those words hit so close to home for me as well. I am so inspired by you Andrea! Thanku for this post. I am going to print it out so I can read it when I'm having a hard time forgiving others, but myself especially. Anon-listen to these women. They know what they are speaking and I hope their words consume your soul and help you heal.....AND forgive. God Bless you all!

Lana said...

Great post!
We have to remember to Let go and Let God!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your kind words. I am working on giving it to God. My friendship may be beyond repair but I will pray for them also. Love to you all!!!!! Pain is everywhere and there are some that are not so lucky.

Christy said...

Anon, that is a brave thing to do. Once you give it to God & pray for them you are on the path to freedom. Remember God loves you as you are & right where you are all he desires is a relationship with us. My prayer is that you find peace in Jesus!

mom said...

Sweet daughter, I am amazed and touched by your blog and all the wonderful input from these faith friends of yours. How comforting for a mother to know that her little girl has such Christian support and fellowship. One can read how you all love each other and above all, "love is the greatest". The Holy Spirit is surely at work in and among the Ya Ya's! I love that name, let me guess, Christy?? It took me years to learn that I did not have to forgive myself, by myself! I could ask Him to help me!! Until I came to Him there was complete failure in my own efforts. To study God's word daily is like finding the meaning of life. You girls rock! And as my sweet, compassionate, caring little bible study buff, Austin would say.
"God Rocks"

Christy said...

Yes it was I Madelyn! However The Ya Ya's is short for Yahweh Sisters! I truly believe God has placed us all together & we do have an unconditional love for each other! I am extremely blessed by them daily!