Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Max and Ava...

Today, my nephew Max turns 17... does not seem possible. I remember watching his birth and my brother's reaction when they announced he was a boy. It was one of those priceless moments you are so thankful to be a part of and will never forget.

Max is a loving, intellegent, and oh so funny. Looks like his mom, with his dad's personality. He is such a huge blessing to our family.

Last week, my Ava turned 3! She's a big girl now...potty trained and all :) (PTL my diapering days are done!)

After two boys, a miscarraige and then another boy, I thought my dream of having a daughter might never come true. I always felt in my heart that she was missing from our family, still when we made the decision to try for number four...I expected another boy.

Started having some issues at about 16-17 weeks, so with my past history, they asked me to come down for an ultrasound. I never dreamed I would find out the sex of the baby that day. Aaron was at work so I went alone.

At the end of the exam, the tech asked if I would like to know what I was having. I was torn. I so wanted to know, but I wanted Aaron to be there. She had probably done a dozen ultrasounds on me already between the miscarraige and Jaden, so we had become friends. She looked at me and said again very directly... "do you want me to tell you what you are having?!" The look on her face said it all. She was almost as excited as I was. We were finally going to have our baby girl. I left the doctor and went straight to elder-beerman and bought her very first pink outfit! Finally PINK!

From day one, she has been my biggest challenge. The temprament, the food allergies, the tantrums, oh my! I always half jokingly say that if God had given her to us first... there would have been no boys! She is precious and we are blessed beyond belief to have her


Christy said...

Tantrums and all she is still SO adorable!!

Susan Warren said...

What wonderful pictures and memories. Ava sure is a beautiful little girl!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! She's a doll Andrea!