Friday, April 17, 2009

Kindergarten round up....

The dreaded day has arrived... at 10:00 I will load up my little boy and head to the school for round up.

Even though I have done this two times before, I still find myself with a big knot in my stomach this morning. The first of many rights of passage for my little guy. He's just so small. Can't bear the thought of him being there ALL day... EVERY day when August comes. I'm sorry, but that is just way to much for a five year old to handle. Curse you Mitch Daniels!

Jaden, on the other hand, could not be more excited. Wanted to set an alarm last night to make sure he didn't sleep through it. Yesterday at pre-school, he and his friends Blake and Jackson were practically jumping up and down as they talked about it. Very cute.

While Jaden and I are taking the first step of his elementary journey... Austin is taking one of the last steps of his. Today is also the 6th grade field trip. His last field trip. Just had to fall on the same day as round-up. I remember goin along on his very first field trip in kindergarten all those years ago...when HE was my tiny little one. *Sigh*...would have been nice to be there for the last one too.

I'll stop my selfish whining now. :) I am thankful that the sun is shining today and I am very thankful for healthy children that are able to go out and make their way in the world. God is good....

1 comment:

Susan said...

We are gonna hafta carry each other outta there on their first day!! We leave shortly for our turn. What in the world am I gonna do next fall? I agree about every day being too much!!!