Thursday, September 11, 2008

God is Good...





You are looking at the face of a happy girl! Why is she happy?... she is eating a BANANA and drinking APPLE JUICE!!! Simple pleasures are the best!

Testing went well. We gained EIGHT foods... we also lost some and added new allergies, but hey, we are thrilled to have some variety. The biggies we gained... wheat, milk, turkey, peas, apples and bananas! Believe me that is HUGE for us. We also gained back garlic and onion. The ones we lost were big too though... corn (ouch! ava LOVES her popcorn) we also lost pork, which really hurts, carrots are a no no now, as are some new ones she was tested for including blueberries, lettuce and tuna. Nuts are still lethal to her, and barley is still a close second.

Thank you all so much for the prayers. We really felt them. She had to lay still on her stomach for almost 20 minutes and she did it! She cried, but bless her heart, she didn't move. What a great relief!


Misty McKibben-Melvin said...

Glad it went well!!! Or as well as it could have. What a cutie to have to go through so much!!

Christy said...

YEA Ava!!! I see lots of apple and bananna recipes coming!!

Anonymous said...

God bless her baby heart!! It is really sad when seeing tiny Ava just eating a banana and drinking apple juice makes grandma cry. So much we take for granted. On Sat.I put a tiny spoonful of mashed potatoes on her plate and she said, "what's that mamaw?" Yes, so much we take for granted!