Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Profound Moments...

Sometimes we have them and there is no mistaking it...

This morning I was thinking about people I know who are grieving... fresh grief, grief that has settled in, and long-standing grief...the kind you never fully get over.

I thought about dark times in our lives. We all have them and they are all significant in shaping us. Sometimes we go through valleys that are so deep, it is hard to believe we could ever come out on the other side.

I thought about times like these in my own life and the people who were instrumental in helping me through. I thought about times like these in the lives of those I love and how helpless I felt in trying to help them. At that moment... this song came on. How profound! It was God speaking and giving me insight and importance to what had been laid on my heart this morning.

Play the song on my playlist "Carry You to Jesus"...Take a quiet moment... and just listen...

When we are faced with someone...anyone... who is hurting or grieving,... the best thing we can do, the most important thing we can carry them to Jesus.

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