Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday Then and Now...

Have been on a bit of a blog vacay...sorry to my loyal readers (Annette!)

Of course this weeks then and now involves the first day of school. This first pic was taken in '99 on the first day of preschool for both the boys. I remember taking several pictures that day and they were happy to oblige.

The next pic was taken bright and early yesterday morning...amidst sighs and "No Mooommmmm" "Do we HAVE to?!" At least they managed to muster a smile and look as though they like eachother.

Just so ya know... I made it through yesterday just fine. At 8 I was weepy and sad... by 9 I noticed how much quieter it was... at lunch I realized I only had to serve 2 instead of 4... by nap time for Ava I realized..."hey, this is ok!"

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