Friday, August 29, 2008

Sugar and spice...

Ava doesn't walk through the house... she doesn't run through the house... she bounces through the house. I love it!

She is always in a hurry to get where she's going. Her little feet patter on the hardwood at a fast pace...strawberry curls bouncing up and is so cute.

It makes me smile when I catch a glimpse of her headed down the hall or through the kitchen. It always looks like she is on a mission. Her "missions" seem to be very important and require her full attention.

Took the above pic this morning at her request as she bounced through the room. She stopped and very matter of factly said..."mom, take my picture." So I did... and off on her mission she went. My tiny, bouncy, brown-eyed girl


Misty McKibben-Melvin said...

Aren't little girls the most fun thing in the world??? Right now Lyza's favorite thing to say is "Hi Stinky". Don't know why...guess I should quit calling her "stinky" when I change her diaper.....and let me add, there is no "mumbo or mispronouncing" the word "stinky". It is VERY clear what she is saying to you! uggg!! Never a dull moment!

The Jeffers Clan said...

Hi Andrea...this is Lacy (Fisher) Jeffers, Carlye's sister. I came across your blog and was going to add you to mine if that's okay?! Check mine out anytime. It's nice to read about your beautiful kids.