It's been a very busy week. We have fifteen jobs going and the phone continues to ring. I guess that is a good thing... but man... my mind is mush.
We started our business when I realized I was going to have to quit my nursing job to be with Ava 24/7. This was about a year and eight months ago. I worried what we would do without my income, but leaving Ava with sitters just was not an option since her food allergies are so severe. I worried how I would handle being home with the kids day after day with no life outside the house. I worried that the business would be a failure... I worried my relationship with Aaron would be stressed with all the stress...I worried A LOT! But...I ended up being reminded of what I have known for a long time... There is no need to worry... God is in contol.
The income issue... my income now is much more than I made as a part-time nurse. The being couped up in the house issue... God brought amazing friends into my life that keep me going on a daily basis... The failing business issue... we had unbelievable sales the first year and looks like this year sales will double. The marraige is unbelievable how much closer Aaron and I have become through it all (even when we are making shirts at midnight)... Lesson learned.
So here it is in a nutshell...
Seven reasons not to worry: All from the book of Matthew chapter 6
6:24...the same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life!!! (DUH...Wake up and read that one again!)
6:26...Worrying about the future hampers your effors today
6:27...Worrying is more harmful than helpful
6:28-30...God does not ignore those who depend on Him
6:31,32...Worrying shows a lack of faith in and understanding of God
6:33...Worrying keeps us from real challenges God wants us to pursue
6:34...Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry the Word of God. From His mouth to your ears. Get your bible out and read these verses for yourself... SO worth your time.
Be a God Follower.