Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Walmart Wednesday

I hate it... I hate it.... I hate it! The dreaded Walmart trip. I put it off and put it off until the kids are screaming and starving. This morning I was threatened by my four year old that if he didn't get some bacon soon....! Anyway, they gave me no choice. Today had to be the day.

My mom is here this week because Aaron is away on business. Thank the Lord for my mom! She always makes the trip down from Indy when Aaron is away. She knows I need the help. She is a true blessing to me in every sense of the word! I was able to leave the kids with her and make the trip by myself. That is huge! Getting to go without a cart full of kids wanting anything and everything in sight makes a big difference. I didn't realize how big.

Today the Washington Walmart was particularly busy. I wasn't as irritated and distracted as I usually am since the kids weren't along. I was able to think about what I needed to buy. I didn't show any signs of aisle rage like I usually do... you know what I mean... when the person in front of you in the can good aisle is oblivious to everything and everyone around them and leave their cart in the middle of the aisle while they are searching for some elusive can of cream corn. Drives me insane! But not today.

I politely waited as the lady on the cell phone was trying to talk and find her donuts at the same time.... I didn't fume when the guy rudely cut me off coming around the corner... and I showed great patience when the mom in front of me let her kids run wild in the juice aisle, blocking my way to the one and only type of juice that Ava is allowed to drink. When I had to wait in line at the checkout for 20 minutes... I was relaxed as I read the tabloids and learned of Angelina's frightening trip to the ER. And when I pushed my 300 pound $234 cart out to the van but couldn't load everything in the back because it was full of baseball equipment... I did not curse. All in all, I would call it a successful trip.

Today I realized something about myself... I spend a lot of time and energy being irritated. I need to work on that. I am not the center of the Walmart universe and time does not stand still when I show up to do my shopping. Lesson learned.

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