Friday, April 25, 2008

Here goes nothing...

Ok, so I read a few blogs... I am not an addict. I think they're pretty cool. No time to journal. This seems much easier so why not get in on it. Great therapy. My mind is always racing at 100 mph, and my kids do sweet and not so sweet things everyday that at some point I will be unable to recall.. so why not put it all on paper, so to speak, for posterities sake.

A lot is happening in my life right now. A lot of stress and a lot of great things too. God has decided to shake it up a bit... which is a good thing. I can't wait to see where this is all going. I have become somewhat retrospective at this point... but also very aware of the passing of time and things that are fleeting. Funny how that just kind of happens as you get older. I feel the need to slow things down a bit, and make a conscious effort to take everything and every moment in. As my dad often makes a point to tell me when I am complaining about the craziness that is my life... "one day honey, you will miss this, trust your ol' dad."

I feel very different about my life than I did ten years ago, when thirty was a monumentous occasion.... oh, if I had only known then what I know now. I am looking at myself differently, seeing myself age, thinking about health issues and such, realizing all the wonderful things God has blessed me with. Simply put.. I am maturing. I think it will be ok. I think it is probably time. I think I am 40, but I am Fabulous!


Unknown said...

Aunt P,

This is simply fabulous. I am so proud of you. Enjoy the journey.

Kent (your big bro)

Christy said...

Yea!! You got hooked huh?? I can't wait to read your blog.

Your Blog Pal!! :-)