Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Texting Tuesday

Today was a crazy day... Tuesday's always are. Pre-school day. That means two trips to Loogootee and back. Guitar Lesson Day. That means picking Austin up at 3 to make it to preschool to pick Jaden up by 3:15 so I can get Austin to guitar by 3:30. Today I threw an emergency shirt order and a trip to UPS in Washington into the mix. Then, of course, it was ball game night. Whew....

By the time 8:00 rolled around, I was finally in my favorite chair, with my show on... American Idol of course... cell phone in hand. The kids were running wild, but I didn't care. I was in my zone.

Why the cell phone you may ask... Every since the beginning of the season, one of my fave BFF's, Christy, and I have texted throughout the entire show. We have literally rolled on the floor at times. Appropriately texted as ROTFL! (Rolling on the floor laughing for you non-texters) There have been many "dude" and "dawgs" texted between us as we channel Randy and tons of discussion on what illegal substance of choice Paula decided on before the show. There have been times when either one or both of us have nearly peed our pants!

Why am I telling you this... We all need a little escape at times. Nothing is better to get rid of stress than a good belly laugh. I always know when its Idol night that I will get a text asking " are you home" I look forward to it. It's part of my Tuesday. For the hour that the show is on, we are having a ball. And by the time it is over, I feel like a weight has been lifted. As an added bonus... we get to do it all again on elimination night!

Find something in your life that you can escape to and have a laugh or two. Give the texting with a friend thing a try if you both share a favorite show. It does wonders for the soul.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yo Dawg, get ready for tonight. I just wasn't feeling a couple of them but we'll see. . Lol Love Ya girl!!