Monday, April 28, 2008

Oompa Loompa's

This is Ava... my own little oompa :)

I have always loved the movie Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory... ever since I was little. Today for some odd reason, sitting in the waiting room at the pediatrician, I began to sing the oompa loompa song... Don't ask me why. Maybe it was because some of the other kids in the waiting room looked like they needed to learn a lesson or two like the kids in the movie... Remember Augustus Glute or Veruca Salt... obnoxious, spoiled little heathens... You see a lot of kids like that these days.

Some parents today just don't discipline there kids... I am not sure why. We were very strict on our older two when they were little. They learned the difference between right and wrong at an early age. There were consequences to their actions and we were very consistent in our parenting. Now that they are older they are both very well behaved, well mannered, very respectful young men. The babies on the other hand... well let's just say it's true the older a parent is the easier they are on the kids. Don't get me wrong... we still discipline in basically the same way, but are a bit to lenient at times. I am working on that in an effort to not create a couple of mini monsters.

I have seen kids take a swing at mom when she didn't give in... I have seen others throw some pretty outrageous fits. I have seen tons with a total lack of respect for their parents. Sad thing is, the parents act like it's no big deal. I know some parents I would love to grab a hold of and say "Are you Kidding Me!" "You are actually going to let your kid act like that?" What a disservice they are doing to those children. I believe it is a major factor in the decline of our society. Seriously. What kind of generation are we raising.

Number one on the list of ten commandments... HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER. How can we expect our children to honor us if we do not teach them proper respect. How can we expect them to follow the rest of the ten commandments if we do not teach them right from wrong. Infuriates me when I send my kids to other peoples houses and have to worry about what kind of video games or movies those parents allow their kids to see. What are we teaching our kids folks. Time to wake up parents and take a good look around at what is happening. Read Ephesians 6!

I will jump off my soapbox now... Teach your kids some morals and some values... then you can live in happiness too... like the oompa loompa doopity doo


Christy said...

Ooompa ooompa dup-a-dee-do. How cute!!

Anonymous said...

That picture of Ava cracks me up!
Absolute entitlement is what this generation expects....they think they are entitled to what they want, when they want it, and as much as they want! Add that to your soap box, sweety. mom