Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A little older...a little wiser...

My birthday was Saturday. I was working the Walk of course, so I didn't get to spend it with my family... but it was a great day!

At times when I would go back to my room there would be cards and gifts from my besties and texts from my family which was cool. Evan did not fail to remind me that I am now "Finding Myself at 42." Thanks Ev. But perhaps the coolest thing came from my dad.

Every single year on my birthday as far back as I can remember, my dad has told me the story of the day I was born. He was in Music Appreciation class at Oakland City College... someone came to get him to tell him mom had went into labor... and on and on...He goes to great detail to tell the whole thing. When I returned to my room for the night it was very, very late. I saw the flashing light on my phone and checked to find that dad had several texts.... the entire story. He did not leave out a single word. Must have taken him a long time. That meant the world to me.

I know God has great things in store for me as I start my 42nd year. I am thankful to be starting it with an even deeper relationship with Him. I believe working the Walk on my birthday was His gift to me. It was THE best present ever.


Unknown said...

Wow! What a dad!

Keyly Watts said...

What an awesome story.

Susan Warren said...

How awesome! You are very blessed to have such a great family and your family is blessed to have you!
I really enjoyed reading about your "Walk." Thanks for sharing that with everyone.

beckiwoodsmall said...

That is so sweet Andrea!!!!!!