Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mom... Can you come here???...

As a mother of four, I hear that a thousand times a day. So many times in fact, that on occasion they have to repeat it three or four times before it registers. My subconscious tends to block it out i think... that is unless it comes in the form of a blood curdling scream... which also happens several times a day around here.

Last night and today, though, I am taking great joy in hearing those words. Ethan came home yesterday with a fever and the flu. Don't get me wrong... I don't take joy in the fact that he is sick... but I am loving the fact that he needs his mom.

At 5'10", my soon to be 15 year old now towers over me by six inches. He can literally pick me up and carry me through the house and does quite often. His voice is so deep, that when I call home and he answers the phone, I have to stop and wonder if I dialed the wrong number. The new shoes I bought him over the weekend... size 11! He is spending more time downstairs and in his room than he is with the rest of us these days. My baby is growing up faster than I can keep up with him.

So while this flu bug runs its course... I will run to his side whenever he calls for me. I will sit and stroke his fevered forhead loving every minute of it. I will cater to him hand and foot as long as he will let me. Even though he isn't so little anymore...He will always be my little boy.


Christy said...

About like the message I sent you that Cole sent me that said "I want my mommy" last week. Just melted me!

Anonymous said...

I hope he gets to feeling better, but it is nice when the older kids still need their mommies:)