Friday, February 20, 2009

Wake-Up Chirp...

This morning as I woke up I noticed two seemed a lot lighter out than usual, and I was hearing a familiar sound.

There is a bird that lives in the pear tree right outside my bedroom window. He drives me insane every spring and summer. Cheerfully chirping to herald in the morning, while I pull the covers over my head cursing him. His chirp has a distinct rhythm and he repeats it incessantly. Sometimes as I lay there I put words to it. "hey YOU...hey YOU...are you sleep-ING," "I AM...I AM... so an-noy-ING," and my favorite "craZY...craZY...Tim Tim TimMY" (obscure I know but Ethan has a really funny friend he calls Tim Tim Timmy and it seemed to fit)

Today I did not get irritated at my old friend. I was happy to have him back. With his return comes the return of Spring and I am so very ready for it. Spring brings the promise of hope. It is a reawakening and renewal.... not only of nature, but also of the soul.

Think Spring!

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