Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Spotlight...

Austin and I were talking last week and decided it would be cool to spotlight some of his guitar music on my blog... so.... the Saturday Spotlight will be a regular feature for awhile.

For those who don't already know, Austin started taking guitar lessons a couple of years ago. Since then, he eats, sleeps and dreams music. His guitar is in his hands literally every available waking minute he has. His musical repertoire has grown to around 100 or so songs.

This video was taken the first time he laid his eyes on a twelve string acoustic guitar. He had literally just taken it off the wall and sat down to play when I started recording. It is Bon Jovi, Wanted Dead or Alive, and it is pretty impressive if ole mom does say so herself. (You will need to pause my playlist at the left to listen)


Susan said...

How incredibly awesome. And he is just incredibly cute to boot!

Christy said...

You know I could listen to that boy play for hours!

Anonymous said...

Aww that's so good!! I tell you I find it very intriguing trying to figure out that boy's future! He has so many talents.

Susan Warren said...
