Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Windy Wednesday...

It is extremely windy up here on the hill this morning... I think I should probably just stay home and hold on...

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. 67...I don't like that number much. When I graduated from high school, my dad was the same age I am now. I can't seem to get my mind around that one. In my eyes, my dad will always be young.

I called him last night about 10:30. He was in his usual spot... the garage... watching the usual... a ballgame. IU of course.

Besides the tv in the garage, he has four tv's in the house. Two in the living room alone... a big screen, but also one at the bar. That way he can have two different games on... sit on a swiveling bar stool and pivot back and forth to catch both. (can you say SportsAddicts Annonymous!) There is also a tv in the den and one in the bedroom. But where does he choose to spend all his time... In the garage. Must be a man thing.

He has a steady stream of visitors to the garage. Mikey from next door, my Uncle Gary from a few blocks over, and most everyone in between. They file in and out at all hours. He's a popular guy my dad.

So as we ended our conversation, I wished him a happy birthday and told him i love him very much... He told me he loves me with all his heart... Then he said what he says every single year, "just glad to be celebrating another one." :)

Me and Dad at the Bubble Room on Capitiva Island way back in 1992... nice outfits :)


Susan said...

I've got a picture of me and Alex in the same parking lot lol. Love those islands. You know where I am when I say I'm a bit green eyed (I say it in love of course;))

Andrea said...

I know exactly where you are coming from suze.... i'm sorry :) Have faith that it isn't always going to be this way...

Mark said...

Good stuff. It is mind boggling when we realize where we are in age now is where our parents were not so long ago.