Thursday, December 3, 2009


Ok so the countdown is on and I have two gifts in my possession. Considering the fact that I have four kids, four parents, two in-laws, two brothers, one grandparent, two neices and a nephew... that is SO not a good thing. Despite my best efforts to concentrate and shop online I am constantly distracted soooo.... time to regroup and replan my attack.

Depite every fiber of my being telling me to do otherwise... I am going to take the kids to walmart after school (um...that's after 3:30... and if any of you followed my facebook rantings last week when I went after 3:30 you will understand why this is dangerous to my health) But, I will bite the bullet and take them there...spend time in the dreaded toy aisle while they pick out their favorite things...then return tomorrow and buy it all. Sounds like a plan don't yout think?

Heaven help the poor soul that blocks my way with their cart while talking on their cell oblivious to every other person on the planet... I pity the fool. ;)


Susan said...

You have to sooo start going before Thanksgiving. Then you can be done like me (I refuse to set foot in the toy aisle after Thanksgiving)...and have the kids tell you they want every single thing they see on tv except the things you actually did buy them 3 weeks ago;). Am-a-zon, Am-a-zon, Am-a-zon here I come....

Susan said...

Oh, and A-Team rocked!! I was completely head over heels in love with Face (was that his name even???) I wanted to be Amy. Hannibal was just so cool lol...

Christy said...

I'm with you Susan, I really liked the A Team!! I am to fool that doesn't start shopping till the week of Christmas...