Sunday, November 29, 2009

Texting Thanksgiving...

This is my favorite picture taken at Thanksgiving this year. (Although I don't think Julie was too happy with us when she took it:) Notice in the warm and fuzzy Thanksgiving Eve post below from the 25th that I have used for the last two years, it says nothing about the traditions of Burns family texting... guess I will need to change that next year.

Despite how it looks in the picture...we actually did talk to eachother throughout the course of the night. :) Talked a lot about our phones, now that I think about it. Heck we even texted eachother from across the bar...

My Blackberry Curve... "PING"... it was Kent
My Blackberry Curve to his Blackberry Tour... "What!?"
His Tour to my Curve... "QUEER!"
My Curve to his Tour... "MAGGOT!"

True story... I am happy to say, though, that when we went around the table to say what we were most thankful for, not one of us said instant messaging, facebook, or 3G network...

Here are a couple more of my favorites pics...
Hey wait... is that a cellphone in Grandma's hand???

Don't ask...don't tell...believe me!

Best brothers ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Pic of the Burns family..