Teasing and name calling... don't you love it. I am amazed at how it has transformed from the time I was a kid back in the land of innocence to the times we are living in today. You remember the days of "oh yea...you and what army" or classic insults like "your such a a doofus" or "barf bag" or "pizza face" or "four eyes." Today it's all out, no holds barred viscousness. Nothing is off limits. These kids throw insults and words around that I probably didn't even know existed until I was out of high school. It's a sad state of affairs...
Even though our insults seem WAY tame compared to today's... they were just as effective. Case in point... Way back in the day, circa 1978ish, I spent most of my summers at my grandparents in Otwell. Hung out with my cousins on lazy summer days that seemed to go on forever. Made some of the greatest childhood memories ever in that tiny town.
I had a major crush on this friend of my cousins who used to come and play with us. I thought he was the greatest thing on the planet. Oh so cute and so cool. It was the butterflies in your stomach and the sweaty palms kind of crush. One day we were all laying on a big blanket under the shade tree in my grandma's back yard; me, Chad, Ryan, Leah (my cousins) and Mike. We were talking and laughing, drinking Kool-aid and drawing pictures of our dream house. (Can't you just picture it as a classic Norman Rockwell painting. *sigh*)
Then came time for the big reveal... I'm sad to say I don't remember what I drew that day, or what Chad or Ryan or Leah drew either for that matter. But I do remember Mike's drawing. He drew a dog house. Your typical looking dog house. And above the door he wrote the word "Fido." We all laughed and thought it was funny, but then he said the words that still echo in my mind to this day.... wait for it folks...
It's way harsh...
"THIS is 'WHAT'S HER FACES' dream house!"
OOOOH man... and I'm sure you can guess that I was the "what's her face" to whom he was referring. DANG! Can't you just feel the pain of that poor 11 year old version of me. Scarred me for life... well sort of...
Ok not really, but I'd like for Mike to think it did. I have run into him on the rare occasion over the years... family funerals and such. And now I am happy to report that by the magical healing power that is Facebook... after 30 some years... he has apologized for scarring me emotionally, and we are friends. :)