Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"So it's sorta social...

Demented and sad...but social." Can you name that movie in one quote? One of my all time top fives. The Breakfast Club. I saw this morning that the cast (minus Emilio) reunited for the 25th anniversary of the movie. OMG!

So I got to thinking about the movie and the messages that go with it about social order and fitting in and all that stuff...which led me to think about FB... which is also at times sorta demented and sad... but social.

Just like the characters in the movie; the brain, the princess, the jock, the basket case, and the criminal... there are also distincly different characters on fb. Each one bringing their own bit of entertainment to the table.

First, there is the closet user. You know the type. Wants to be part of the scene but only watches from the shadows. Maybe a little afraid to admit they've succumbed to the social pressure of joining. You know they're on there cause you see their little green dot. But they never comment or post anything. They just watch.

Then there is the stalker. These are usually the people from your past whose sole purpose on fb is just to look at your pictures cause they either loved you once and can't let go or you really made them mad in high school and they want to see if you've gotten fat over the years.

Gotta love the drama seekers. These are the folks who post status' in order to either upset people, cause controversy or call attention to themselves. These folks crave attention and the more sorry they can make you feel for them and the more comments they can collect, the more they love it. Perhaps the saddest of the fb heirarchy.

Ahhh... the true fb addict. This particular breed of facebooker post 100 times a day and you always know exactly where they are, what they are doing, and when they last took a bathroom break. I find these people the most entertaining.

And finally, the social butterflies. These people just truly enjoy the interaction with others. They don't over post or under post. They comment appropriately. They have no hidden agendas or addictions or issues with over-use. Just really enjoy checking in with people once in awhile.

So there you have it. My random take on the similarities between The Breakfast Club and Facebook. I know your asking yourselves where the heck this blog came from, so I'll answer by ending this post with a modification of the most famous excerpt from the movie...

"Dear Loyal Readers: I accept the fact that I had to sacrifice a whole Wednesday morning on blogspot for whatever it was that prompted this blog. You may think I'm crazy to write a blog telling you who I think you are. I see you as I want to see you: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But, what I have found out is that each one of us is. . . a closet user . . . a stalker . . . a drama seeker . . . an addict . . . and a social butterfly. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The FB Club."

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