Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Prayers for Ethan...

Ethan suffers from chronic low back pain. He has pain every day. Somedays it's just a mild ache and somedays it's hard for him to sit or stand or lay down. I've taken him to the doctor 3 times for this over the course of the last year. Each time I was told it was because he was growing so fast the muscles couldn't keep up. Granted, he has grown... a lot... standing almost 6'1" now. But all the ibuprofen and stretching exercises they were giving us were getting us nowhere.

So when the pain started radiating down one leg and he started having some numbness and tingling we made yet another trip to Jasper. With this new set of symptoms the doc FINALLY took it seriously enough to order an MRI. Being a nurse and knowing my kid like I do, I should have insisted on that the last time, but I like to feel like I can trust my doctor. Hindsight... Mom's...always trust your gut instincts.

Today we go for a second MRI with contrast. The first MRI showed not one, but 3 bulging discs, one with some mild spinal stenosis and one pressing on a nerve root. No wonder the poor boy has been in so much pain. There were also many Smorl's nodes...not exactly sure what that is, but according to the radiologist is an indicator of Scheuermann's Disease... which when present in the lumbar region is actually called Juvenille Discogenic Disease...which is the equivalent of adult Degenerative Disc Disease. Don't know if you followed all that or not but in other words... it's not a good thing.

Friday morning we will take the results from both MRI's and meet with a pediatric neurosurgeon up at Riley. It's no fun hearing your child's name in the same sentence with "Riley" and "neurosurgeon" let me tell you.

So anyway... any prayers sent our way would be appreciated. God willing I will be able to post a positive update over the weekend.

Ethan had a writing assignment recently that was suppose to begin "I am what I am." I don't often get to see his assignments anymore, but I came upon this one and I just loved it... so I snuck a copy. He would not be happy with me if he knew I posted it here, but since he doesn't read mom's blog I am doing it anyway :). He described himself so acurately. Just as I see him. Nice to know he knows exactly who he is. I know I didn't at 16.

I am what I am...by Ethan Jones

I am what I am and that's all that I am...
I am the country boy that everyone knows and loves.
I am what I am.
I am the dirt road kid that was raised the right way.
I am the person people know they can turn to when they're in a tight spot...
I am what I am.

I am what I am...
I am the kid in the back just hanging out.
I am a quiet, but loud when I need to be kind of guy.
I am what I am.
I am the guy that makes up for others mistakes.
I am always watching out for my friends.
I am what I want to be...I am what makes me happy...
I am what I am.

I am what I am...
I am the average baseball player that has his fare share of playing time and sitting the bench.
I am the athletic kid that loves trucks and four wheelers.
I am what I am.
I am the student that friends come to for school work help.
I am the down to earth kid that I have always wanted to be...
I am what I am.

1 comment:

Barb S. said...

I'll be sending prayers for good news Friday your way. I love the poem...I'm still trying to figure out who I am :-)