Friday, August 14, 2009

First Day...

It's done... It was just as bad as I had feared... worse actually.

I was weepy on the drive there, but under control. We pulled into the parking lot and all piled out of the van. My big boys both hugged me and kissed me and man that's all it took. Bring on the waterworks. They walked away and I couldn't watch.

I managed to gain control by the time I got into the building with Jaden. We hung up his things and went to his seat. There was a picture there for him to color. He sat down and I sat down in his seat with him and he began coloring.

I tried to think of everything I needed to tell him, even though I have tried my best for the last almost 6 years to teach him everything he needs to know. I reminded him to raise his hand in the cafeteria if he has trouble getting things open in his lunch. I'm worried about that. I told him over and over and over that I loved him and he was going to have a great day.

I tried so hard to choke it back, but I failed. I sat there in that tiny seat and hugged him and cried....and I didn't care.

I cried all the way to the van and then had the big ugly cry for the next half hour or so. As I type this I am holding my baby girl who wants to know where Jaden is and how long till he gets home. Gonna be a long day.


mom said...

Well, honey I held it together too until I just read this. I tell you, it is a good thing I couldn't be there to see that. You and Jady sittng in his little seat. I would have been a blubbering fool! I have prayed for the little guy muchly today. I am like you worrying if he will need help and ask for it. We worry too much about our babies. God has him so gently in his big, loving hand.

Lauren said...

praying for you, my dear!