Monday, July 27, 2009

Life lessons...

I was told it was time for a blog... didn't realize it had been so long. I continue to be amazed at how fast time is passing. The busier I am, the faster it goes. The older I get, the bigger the blur. Not fair.

The dreaded day is fast approaching. I have begun the enforcement of my annual self-imposed back to school boycott. I will stand firm and refuse to buy anything school related... I will let the scheduled days for book rental come and go without stepping foot in the door of the school... I will refuse to talk about the impending doom that is to come at 8:10 on Friday August 14th. On that note... I am changing the subject :)

I am working really hard this summer on loosening the apron strings as far as my older boys are concerned. They are, after all, 13 1/2 and 15. They both have level heads and make wise decisions. It's time they branched out a bit, right?? Last night as they, along with six other boys swam in the pool, some of them were making plans to go four wheeling at a place in Jackson County. Two of the boys ever so cautiously approached Aaron and I and asked if our boys could go. I almost laughed out loud.

It is no secret to me that we are known as the "strict" parents, and some of these boys think we are downright mean for not letting our kids do what other kids do. I am SO fine with that, you wouldn't believe it... BUT this time I felt it was ok to say yes and felt that they deserved to get to go. I think my boys were in shock.

So, after lecturing them till there ears bled...they loaded up this morning and off they went. Dirtbikes, four wheelers, coolers...eight people in all. Amazingly, and prayerfully, I felt calm and at peace with my decision as they pulled out of the drive.

Fast forward a short couple of hours and I get a text telling me one of the boys had had a bad wreck and was not wearing a helmet! In the middle of nowhere they had to run up and down hills to find service to call 911 and wait 20 minutes or so for an ambulance to get to them, all the while trying to keep this boy from moving, watching his face bleed and swell before their eyes.

Verdict was a concussion, broken shoulder, broken wrist, torn up face but no broken facial bones. Amazing it wasn't worse. All the kids were pretty shook up by the incident, but man what a lesson they all learned.

I initially beat myself up for letting my boys go in the first place... what if this had been one of them... how would I live with that knowing I put them in that position in the first place. It was then God whispered in my ear...

Your boys are growing up. Your relationship is naturally transforming. You are not always going to be there to protect them... but I will. Trust that you have raised them to this point to the best of your ability and know that they both have a stong relationship with Me and are stong in their faith. Even when your eyes are not on them... My eyes are. Even when your voice is not in their ear telling them to be careful...My voice is. And even though they are no longer totally dependent on You, they both understand that they are dependent on Me. Even though you have to start to let go... I never will...

My boys are growing up... I am ever so slowly letting go... and I am at peace....


Christy said...


Anonymous said...

I'm struggling with the same thing!!! I hope I'm strong enough to let her branch out a little! I know He's watching over them, but I just want to keep her wrapped in my arms for alittle while longer! I'm glad the boy in the wreck is going to be ok!

Andrea said...

Baby steps steps

mom said...

Honey, how beautifully put! He has them.

Lauren said...

What a good lesson.

and just wait until Ava goes prom dress shopping. hee hee

Barb S. said...

I'm proud of you!!!

beckiwoodsmall said...

Well said, Andrea!! Can't wait to see you at WOF ;0)

Misty McKibben-Sanders said...

Thanks for Sharing Andrea!!