Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday looking forward...

This week has flown by...

Looking forward to much needed haircuts for 5 this morning... pretty shaggy round here.

Looking forward to our going away pool party for Chang tonight... man we are gonna miss that kid.

Looking forward to leaving for Florida a week from Sunday... South Seas Resort here we come!

Looking forward to spending some time with no kids and no work... I'll believe it when we get there.

Looking forward to completing the 18+ HUGE orders we've got going before we leave... can we pull that off??

Looking forward to seeing my mom...whenever that is :(

Looking forward to seeing Evan... I hope he makes it down this weekend.

Looking forward to another text from my dad on his new iphone... hilarious!

Looking forward to Ethan and Austin's first babe ruth game... nice to have them both on the same team!

Looking forward to Ethan's first day of Driver's Ed... not really, but he thinks I am. :)

Looking forward to meeting with my Ya Ya's next week... I LOVE that crazy bunch!

Looking WAY forward to Southwest Indiana Walk to Emmaus #39... Can't even imagine how awesome that is gonna be!

Feeling very fortunate to be able to look forward...


Susan said...

I'm loving your new look. Looking forward to tonights shindig myself! And I'm stowing away in your suitcase and heading to FL with you!!!

Lauren said...

Florida--how AWESOME!

Christy said...

You HAVE to post Ava's new do!! SOOO CUTE!