Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chapter closed...

Time for me to get sentimental again... last day of school and all. This morning, Austin headed out for his last day of elementary, Ethan for his last day in jr. high. Man this year went entirely to fast. Seems like only yesterday I was dreading the first day of school :) Remember this POST

Here they are back in August...

And here they are this morning...

Both a little taller (well Ethan a LOT taller) and a little wiser.

Austin finishes up K-6 with all A's and only one B+ on his record (drat that ONE 5th grade reading test!) Ethan made it through Jr. High...Algebra 1 and all...with straight A's. They worked hard and it paid off for both of them. Honors program for Austin today and Ethan tonight. We could not be more proud.

If you follow my blog, you know I have been freaking since the first day of school THIS year about the prospect of the first day of school NEXT year... when one starts high school, one starts jr. high, and one starts kindergarten. It continues to stress me friends. Before I know it, this summer will be all but a blur, and I will be making that dreaded early morning drive..... can't go there today :(

Until then, I plan on enjoying my kids as much as possible all summer long. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the last day of school!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

such handsome little guys :D