Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Two down... Two to go...

Well, I am back among the blogging.... At least for today

Things have been extremely stressful and busy at the Jones house, thus the lack of entries this month. Perhaps my new year's resolution should be to try and blog more regularly.

As far as my health goes... The Jasper cardiologist sent me to another cardiologist at St. Vincents in Indy that specializes in the electrical system of the heart. I am having PAC's (premature atrial contractions) PVC's (premature ventricular contractions) and nonsustained V-tac (brief episodes of ventricular tachycardia) All that being said, it should not kill me... good to know. I am trying to tolerate a new medication. If I can tolerate it and my blood pressure does not bottom out, it may solve the problem. If I can't tolerate it, I will be scheduled for an EP study and possible ablation procedure. (type of heart catheterization designed to deaden the areas that are mis-firing) Did you get all that? Still anemic, but no internal bleeding. Yay for me.

We had our Burns family Christmas at my dad's on Saturday, and Christmas with my mom here at our house on Sunday. Everyone had a great time and we really enjoyed being together. I did not get to take near as many pictures as I would have liked. Some little blond boy has messed with my camera and I can't seem to get it working right again. Hmmmm Still ahead are The Big Christmas here Christmas morning and Christmas with Aaron's family.

Awhile back, Christy nominated my for a Fabulous blogger award. I think everyone I know has been nominated for it by now, so I am afraid it ends with me since there is no one left to nominate. But... here are my five fab addictions

1. My husband of course... he is my rock.
2. My kids... of couse....they are my life.
3. Certain foods, like fudge, rice, noodles...sometimes I simply can't stop eating
4. Texting... surprised? I doubt it
5. Reading blogs

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