Friday, October 30, 2009

A Father's Love...

A son says to his father "Dad, would you be willing to run a marathon with me?"
The father, despite his age and heart disease says "YES"
And they run that marathon together.

The son asks, "Dad, can you run another marathon with me?"
Again, the father says "YES"
They run another marathon together.

One day the son says "Dad, would you please do the Iron Man with me?"
(Now just in case you wouldn't know, the Iron Man is the toughest triathlon in existance; a 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike ride, and finally a 26 mile run - all in one day!)
Again, father says "YES"

Maybe this doesn't touch you yet... until you watch this video... (pause playlist first.)

As much as this father loves his son, how much more does your father in heaven love you...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This is my favorite song right now. I listen to it over and over and over again. I tend to do that when I have a favorite. This video is kinda long, but the end is the best part! Pause my playlist and watch with an attitude of worship. It's powerful stuff.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Average Day...

Funny how when you are "tuned in" to God you find him everywhere. In the beauty of a fall morning, in the sleepy faces of your kids, in a text from a friend, in the verse of the day.... He will speak to you in so many ways if you just listen. All you have to do is intentionally focus on him as you go about your regular routine. I dare you to try it and I promise you will be amazed.

Even though our Crazy Love study has just begun, I am already feeling the crazy love. I can already see it will be life changing in the fact that it will challenge how we think about God and how we go about living each day. I am not a reader, but I am drinking in every word of this book. Just so ya know...It's $9 bucks on Amazon. $9 bucks to change your life... what a bargain.

This morning I read the following...
"you could die before you finish reading this chapter. I could die while you are reading it. Today. At any moment. But it's easy to think about today as just another day. An average day where you go about life concerned with your to-do list, preoccupied by appointments, focused on family, thinking about your desires and needs. On the average day, we live caught up in ourselves. On the average day, we don't consider God very much. On the average day, we forget that our life truly is a vapor."

Morbid thoughts over morning coffee??... I don't think so. Just another reminder we need to get our acts together and our priorities in order. In our next heartbeat, we could find ourselves standing in the throne room of God. On any average day. And as the author puts it... not only do we have to realize this, "we have to believe it enough that it changes how we live."... Word.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Monday....

Monday is not my favorite day and Monday mornings are killer. Always takes a little more coffee and a little more time to get going. I think I'm showing my age here... Did anyone else notice how dark it still was at 7:00??

This should be a fairly easy week. Ya-Ya's tonight...we are starting the new Crazy Love study. Check it out at I think it is gonna be really great.

Austin's soccer is over, so I won't have to make two different trips to school for pick ups this week. One more week for are over and Sectional is Saturday. After that I wonder what he will do with himself from 3:30 on... On the plus side he will be able to get his homework done at a decent time...on the not so plus side, he will have an extra 2 1/2 hours to complain about being bored and hungry. Hmmm...did I really say I was glad soccer was over??

Lots to accomplish today... better get busy....OR maybe just a little more coffee first... :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Things that make you go Hmmmm.....

Remember my post from yesterday.... got this on FB first thing this morning. (pause my playlist so you can hear)

Will you be left behind....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The power of a moment...

"What am I gonna be when I grow up? And how am I gonna make my mark in history? What are they gonna say about me when I'm gone? These are the questions that shape the way I think about what matters.

But I have no guarantee of my next heartbeat. And my world's too big to make a name for myself. And what if no one wants to read about me when I'm gone. Seems to me that right now's the only moment that matters.

You know the number of my come paint your pictures on the canvas in my head and, come write your wisdom on my heart. Teach me the power of a moment...."

That was from one of my all time favorite songs by Chris Rice. Puts things in perspective for me. We are not guaranteed our next heartbeat. We could be called home in a moments notice. In the blink of an eye. Lately I am thinking about the big picture in that thought. We ALL could be called the blink of an eye.

Do you ever think about the end of days. It's hard to watch the news and not think about it. Are we living in the end times?

As I typed that sentence, I received a text from Christy with the following verse... "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. And since you don't know when they will happen, stay alert and keep watch." Mark 13:32-33 Whoa...what a God thing.

It goes on to say "The coming of the Son of Man can be compared with that of a man who has left home to go on a trip. He gave each of his employees instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return. So keep a sharp lookout! For you do not know when the homeowner will return - at evening, midnight, early dawn or late daybreak. Don't let him find you sleeping when he arrives without warning. What I say to you I say to everyone: Watch for his return!" Mark 13:34-37.

In the grand scheme of things, what really matters in your life. This life is fleeting. So many things we worry and stress about mean absolutely nothing. We need to be concerned about this very moment. Are you watching, or are you sleeping?

There is power in a moment. Every moment of every day we make choices. Choose to make the best of your moments. Months of planning go into a wedding, the birth of a child, a career change, etc... do you place the same importance on preparing for Christ's return, THE most important event in your life. It's results will last for eternity. Don't postpone your preparations. Study his word and live by its instructions each day...only then will you be ready. Be ready... Be watchful...

Obadiah 1:15 "The day is near when I, the Lord, will judge the godless nations..."