Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pictures and thoughts....

Found these pictures on an old phone. I love when I find pictures I had forgotten about!

Jaden at Steak and Shake

Jaden and play dough (looks a bit like groucho.... or hitler! Lol)

Ava's hospital picture...what a beauty

Portrait by Jaden

Ethan, Austin, Jaden and Ava at the park in Indy

Yesterday I was totally fixated on the tv for most of the day. I had not intended to watch, but it just sucked me in. I kept thinking how one day, many years from now, I will remember exactly what I was doing as I watched this historic event with the rest of the nation.

Austin came home after school and said his class got to go get their lunch from the cafeteria "on styrofoam plates" so they could go back to the classroom and watch the swearing in and the now famous speech. HOW COOL IS THAT for a sixth grader! Ethan said everything stopped in the Jr. High also, as they all gathered around classroom tv's.

And although Obama was not my choice, he is now my President, and I am going to be very open minded and pray that his choices lead us in the right direction. You should read my brother's post from yesterday (Finding Your Why..."No One Like Us" link to the right).... in typical Kent fashion...he summed it up perfectly.

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