Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Aaron...

Yesterday my hubby turned the big 38. I think he had a pretty good day. Kind of took it easy most of the day, then his mom and dad came up for his favorite dinner. AND he didn't rub it in even once that he still has two years before he hits the big 4-0. (even though a certain little brother of mine thought it would be really funny if he did - Grrrr)

Been on the heart med for about six days now and it is kicking my butt. I have no energy or desire to do anything at all. Sleeping in till ten or so...avoiding talking to anyone...letting the house go....It's like depression all over again, which is scary for me. But... I have to say, I have only had a few heart episodes so I know its working. I will give it another week or so to see if my body is going to adjust. If it doesn't I will be forced to quit taking it. Bummer

On a brighter note.... Idol starts TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for it... even though SOMEONE scheduled our grouping for the next six weeks on Tuesday night!!! Hmmmmmm


Christy said...

Hey Hey! I know SOMEONE did but it was the ONLY open night. We will try to not go tooooo long!!!

Christy said...

btw....will Aaron be doing those fancy dance moves watching Idol? Cause if he does IM THERE!! Still laughing!

Andrea said...

OK but I have to be home, in my chair by 8 and you do to or I will have no one to text! :) Luckily for us both...Aaron does not like Idol and will disappear when it comes on...LOL

Christy said...

Darn it! I was highly impressed. I am about to pee my pants laughing about it again!!! oh man priceless =)

Andrea said...

He wasn't trying to be funny you know...he was oblivious the whole time LOL Maybe one day he will get the beat.... (I may get "beat" for typing this:)

Christy said...

Oh I know he wasn't trying to be funny... he looked at me at one point and said what are you 2 laughng at. Thats when I started "The Bounce" too! But let me tell you Ed can't even CLAP on beat so.....Do you realize that we have had a conversation on here while texting?!?!

Andrea said...

OMG - no I had not realized!... we are such good multitaskers