Monday, October 20, 2008


Those who know me well know I often refer to my life as "crazy." Christy texts me "How is your day..." my reply "Crazy." Mom calls "how are things..." my reply "crazy." Evan asks "how's the shirt business.." My reply... ? You guessed it.

This past week all craziness broke loose. I took the kids to Indy to mom's for Fall break on Tuesday. I did not have the time to go away, but it is tradition for the kids so I went anyway. Ava started running a 104 Tuesday night and Wednesday was diagnosed with Pneumonia. I tried to stick it out up there, but she was too sick, so I brought her home on Thursday and left the others there....Crazy.

Friday, she was worse. The antibiotic they had put her on was obviously not working so we headed to Jasper. Dr. Krielien surmised that her pneumonia was bacterial and wanted to admit her for 3 to 4 days, to which I replied "NOOOOOOOO!" (I really did) Her response..."why not, do you have a lot going?" How is that for the understatment of the year!.... Crazy.

Thank God I am a nurse! I reasoned with her until I convinced her to try a shot of rocephin, let me take her home, and return in the morning. Which we did. Saturday morning I had her back in Jasper at 8:30, and had managed to have her well hydrated. Dr. Bies decided she was slowly turning the corner, and long story short... No hospital stay!... Crazy.

We thought three kids were crazy, but then Ava came along. We thought our business was crazy until we signed agreements with Butler and IU. We thought, well... you get the idea. I have learned that their are many levels of crazy and we just seem to keep climbing the ladder.

On the other hand...if my life were not this out of control...I would probably just be complaining I was bored... Crazy.


Christy said...

I love you, crazy and all!!

Susan Warren said...
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Susan Warren said...

I am thankful Ava is okay...she is too sweet to be that sick! Everyone's life is crazy, isn't it?! There sure isn't time to be bored!

Anonymous said...

Crazy lets you know you're alive my precious. mom