Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Guest Blog...

This is from my brother's blog. I know there is a link to it over on my sidebar... but it was just too good not to post.

Sometimes, God Gives You a Moment
April 30th, 2010

Spring is such a great time. Warmer weather, everything turns green again and certain events signal the arrival of the season. Easter, Spring Break, the Kentucky Derby - and at our house - Prom. My son is a Senior this year, and Prom is tomorrow night. He’s chosen a delightful young lady as his date, and anticipation is in the air.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet him at the tux shop to pick up his attire. It was a beautiful, sunny day - the place was abuzz with other teenage boys - some arriving solo, and others with various advisors and confidantes in tow. I took a seat out front as my son went back to the dressing room to make sure everything fit properly. After a few minutes, I heard him call, “Dad?”…I showed him the fine art of putting on cufflinks and returned to my seat. Then something magical happened.

I had returned to the front of the shop and was passing time by fiddling with my Blackberry. The store had emptied, and I had a clear line of sight to the dressing room hallway. Some nice music was playing on the intercom, and I was enjoying a few minutes of downtime. After a bit, I looked up just as my son emerged from the dressing room in his tuxedo. So mature, so grown up, so handsome. We made eye contact - and something happened in that moment. Life went into slow motion. I felt a rush of conflicting emotions - pride, joy and sadness. My son is grown. I am so proud of him, and so sad that his time with me is coming to a close. A parent’s work is never over, but the bulk of my work is done. Now he stands before me in a tuxedo, his eyes once again looking for his father’s approval, just as he has since he was a little boy.

Although he didn’t notice, it was tough for old Dad to keep it together. I smiled and told him how nice he looked. He walked to the front of the store and we stared in the full-length mirror. He was focused on the length of his jacket sleeves; I was struck by the image of father and son standing together. My mind flashed to the day he was born - I can still see it vividly in my mind. Now he stood there, nearly as tall as me. I noticed the age on my face, and the youth on his.

Nothing prepares you for that.

With everything in order, he changed back into his normal clothes, we paid the bill, and off he went. For him, it was an important item off the pre-Prom to-do list. For me, all I can say is that sometimes, God gives you a moment.